Do overs
I've been thinking a lot lately about do-overs. I have had the blessing of a few do-overs in my life but my actual thoughts regarding do-overs has been focused in really only 2 areas. Books and Life. First lets talk books. I was working on my reading list for 2024 and I was surprised that some books on my bookshelf that I haven't been able to let go of were begging me to read once more. A few of the books I want to do-over this year are .....
Hinds Feet for High Places - (Hannah Hurnard) This book is an allegory dramatizing the yearning of God's children to be led to new heights of love, joy and victory. It's the story of Much-Afraid. My story is very much like her story.
Pilgrims Progress - (John Bunyan) A Christian allegory that is regarded as one of the most significant works of theological fiction in English literature. I love the thee's and thou's.
HMMM what's up with my love of allegorys.
A Praying Life - (Paul E. Miller) This book has changed my prayer life and I will most likely always and forever be revisiting it.
The Valley of Vision - A collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions. I love thumbing through this book and reading the prayers. The language, oh and how deep thoughts are so beautifully expressed. It is quite moving.
Any book written by Andy Andrews. My favorite author. I have many of his books and just love to study the way he writes.
Then Again - (Diane Keaton) - I know, what's a book like that doing on my do-over list? Diane writes of her mother who was an amazing lady that journaled all the time in interesting ways. I find ideas and inspiration for something I want to do more and more and step out of my comfort zone.
What's on your reading list that might be a do over?
Now before you answer that. I had my B-I-L explore why you can't comment on my blog. Basically he told me that Google is notorious for developing new things (blogger), getting them going then when there's issues, well they have already moved on to something else. To comment you have to change several settings in YOUR device, not mine. I'm not asking you do such a thing, so at this point if ya wanna comment please hop back over to my Facebook page. When my life slows down a bit I will explore switching from this platform.
I mentioned a second do over that has been on my mind lately and that's life do over. You know occasionally now, in this present life, opportunities to make changes and do better often present themselves. But when it's all said and done and our life is over, over, there will be no more do overs available to us. How we have lived...that's it. We might hear, "Good job" or "Wait, who are you, I don't even know you?" I hope to have lived so that no major do over should have been done and any small do over has been attended to.
On another note: Construction has begun again on the basement apartment that my best friend, that furry, 4 legged companion of mine will call home.
Wow! I love your blog! :D