And then there was light!
Today the electrician came and put in the lights. WOW! If I was worried about being in the basement and being in the dark that fear has been erased. I am very pleased with the lighting in my living space. My sister came up with the idea in the bathroom to put the medicine cabinet in the wall. That was great until we figured out the light fixture I'd found placed above the mirror above the vanity and then that placement of the medicine cabinet (to the right of the vanity) well, the door wouldn't work so well. We were running out of options as we were looking for the traditional mirror /light above the vanity. But I tell you, my sister can figure stuff out so she said something like, but I'm sure more to the point and not so wordy, "What about a mirror above the vanity that would provide the light so you wouldn't need to find that just perfect size, not protruding too far light fixture?" Then she went a step farther and found me one. It dims too. I may never lea...