Little by little....
it will get done. My tired seems to be tired tonight but I am pleased with the progress I'm making. Seems crazy that I'm only moving down the hall then a few steps down into the basement. Of course it is all just carrying things down those stairs so I probably went down and then up and down then up a gazillion times today. I'm trying hard to sort things in my current room into categories so I can concentrate on one (of my 3) rooms at a time. Now, isn't that silly! Isn't really working for me either but... I got the curtains adjusted a bit today. I used that hack where you use empty toilet paper rolls in every other pleat. I think it makes the curtains look more uniform. Maybe I should have used black out curtains but I do want sunshine during the day so anyway. This is what it looks like.
Then when I tie them back this is what they look like. Ohh, and Tip barked at her first doggie walking by our house. She happened to be looking out this new window. Did my heart good.
Of course I don't leave them one side tied and the other not. Just illustrating how those TP rolls help. I also got my vision board out that I made way back in June of 2023, which had been living wrapped up in a garbage bag. I stuck those clippings on my corkboard.
I think if you click on the picture you might see it close up. There's - My Redeemer is Faithful and True! I need to remind myself of that when my faith is challenged. A prayer - God, please give me a heart constantly set on pursuing excellence for your glory. And another prayer - God, when I lose hope, help me to remember that your love is greater than my disappointments & your plans for my life are better than my dreams. Amen Truly there have been times in my life when I have had to remind myself of that. Sometimes my hope has been lost. I love the photo of the girl pushing a much larger photo of herself, well actually just her foot. You just have to keep pushing yourself - it says. So true. It's been just shy of a year that the idea for this living space was first conceived. It's been hard to wait. At times I was so weary of dreaming and planning and just became bored and truly envisioned myself pushing myself on. I love the picture of the woman on her knees praying and the mirror reflecting her image as a warrior. Oh to fall on my knees daily until I see that image in my own mirror. The far upper right prayer - Lord cleanse me of anything that breaks your heart. I strive to pray that prayer and mean it with my whole heart. The more I seek Him and study His word the more detestable sin is becoming to me. Maybe that's an age thing as well. The prayer by Thomas Merton includes the thought ...Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that, the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope that I have that desire in all that I am doing. Thomas Merton was a monk I believe and wrote many books and died in his 50's. In the lower left corner the photo says - Written words create; they can be life giving. I desire to create written words that are life giving. Anyway - got my inspiration now to glance up at and am excited about that.
I couldn't find for the life of me a new couch, loveseat, 1 and 1/2 chair...any such thing that would meet my size requirement plus function like I wanted: recline and rock are of most importance. What was I thinking. The recliner I have will do such things and oh how Tip loves to lie across the little console thing that hooks onto yet another recliner. I purchased this years ago cause I loved the feature that one can take it apart and have 3 separate pieces. When I got it in our living space Tip remembered. She jumped right up, right away, right on her spot. I won't use that throw rug very long, but it will do for now.
And the other thing I did today, other than a lot of sorting stuff was play around a little with the peg boards. I've purchased some hardware for it and knew there was the issue of the distance between the holes. Who knew but it appears to be more than that. Oh well, I'll make what I purchased work , you just wait and see.
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